José Ribamar

Executive Officer at Square Cloud

Hello! My name is José Ribamar, I was born in 2004 and I am a technology and programming enthusiast!

I had my first contact with programming when I was 13 years old (2018), it was 2 months trying to make a SA-MP server using Pawn, a language strongly influenced by the C language.

In 2020, at the age of 15, in the midst of the Among Us game fever, I became a moderator of a Discord server called Among Us OOC, one of the biggest Among Us servers at the time,

On that server there was an 'Official Match' system, where the developers of that server - Mafios, Brandino and Lx, created a unique system. It contained a desktop interface made in C# that communicated with a Discord BOT made in JavaScript that performed interesting actions, for example: When the match started, everyone in the call was instantly muted, preventing conversations and information leak, and the dead could talk to each other while the game was running, in the meetings, all the dead would instantly mutated and all the living were unmuted, and I thought that was incredible!

With that, I realized that just like Mafios, Brandino and Lx, ordinary people like you and me can create incredible systems, you don't need to be a genius to program! So, on 11/24/2020 I officially started programming, I started by creating a discord BOT with general functionality in JavaScript, and from that point on I started learning new technologies and tools, such as TypeScript, MongoDB, PostgreSQL, React, among others! Nowadays, I focus on creating automations, APIs and websites with high performance, quality and scalability.