Updates in 01/02/2024
Official changelog of the Square Cloud Platform.
João Otávio Stivi [Profile]
Chief Technology Officer at Square CloudChangelog written by João Otávio Stivi in 01/02/2024.
Before we start, we would like to thank everyone who has been using the platform and giving feedback. We are very happy with the result and we will continue to work hard to improve the platform.
We reached 100 feedbacks on Google, with an average of 4.9 stars. 🎉🎉
Changelog redirect
We have created a subdomain that always redirects to the latest changelog, making it easier to access the latest updates. Just access changelog.squarecloud.app and you will be redirected to the latest changelog.
Official CLI Update
After a long time in rework, we are proud to announce the new version of the official CLI. This version brings a lot of new features and improvements, making it easier to manage your projects.
To install the CLI, just run the following command in your terminal:
List of all commands available in the CLI:
Command | Description |
app | Perform actions with your applications |
apps | List all your Square Cloud applications |
commit | Commit your application to Square Cloud |
help | Get help about any command |
login | Log in to Square Cloud |
whoami | Print user information associated with the current Square Cloud Token |
zip | Zip the current folder |
Inside the app command
List of all commands available in the app command:
Command | Description |
delete | Delete your application |
restart | Restart your application |
start | Start your application |
status | Show the status of your application |
stop | Stop your application |
To update the CLI, just run the following command in your terminal:
Official PWA Update
We have implemented a new PWA version, bringing significant performance improvements.
Native app experience, but using the browser.
Supported platforms
This list does not include all platforms, but the platforms that have been tested by our team.
Linux: Google Chrome (64 bits).
Windows 11/10, 8 & 7: Google Chrome & Microsoft Edge.
Android: Google Chrome, Samsung Internet, Microsoft Edge, Firefox, Opera & Brave.
iOS/macOS: Safari, Safari View Controller, Google Chrome & Microsoft Edge.
Dashboard Update
New dashboard version released! Packed with features and improvements suggested by our community. Your experience just got better – check it out now! ❤️
Console in ANSI
We have implemented a new console with ANSI support, making it easier to read logs and debug your applications.
Pagination system
We have implemented a new pagination system, making the user experience more enjoyable and intuitive. The limit of items per page is 78. (multiple of 2 and 3)
Notification system
We have implemented a new notification system, making it easier to know about new features and updates.
Animations in general
New animations, making the user experience more enjoyable and pretty funny? 😂
API Update
All endpoints that work with high levels of data have been optimized, bringing significant performance improvements.
Endpoint: /v2/apps/all/status
Fix a bug that report the cpu and ram usage of the applications that are not running.
Clusters Update
- Optimized response compression, bringing significant performance improvements. Performance noticeable when working with large amounts of data. (+100 projects/user)
Libraries cited in this article
- New package published, uses the new CLI version.
Personal note: Special thanks to richaardev, who helped me a lot in the development of the new CLI. 🎉